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Your Island Vacations Might be Still Possible

Sick of the Covid quarantine? Are the restaurants in your community closed for the safety of all, forcing you to have every single one of your meals at home?

How about that lake or beachfront vacation you have been dreaming about throughout the winter, only to be told now, it’s just not safe yet to travel or that American’s aren’t currently permitting into some European nations.

Well then, it is time to think tropical and consider an offer from the Island of Barbados, that might just have some appeal.

The island country that is home to pop singer Rihanna has announced a new program, the “12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp” which will allow tourists to visit for an entire year, and allow them to telecommute and work remotely…from the beach.

In a press release, Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, announced the program allowing “persons to come and work from here overseas, digitally so, so that persons don’t need to remain in the countries in which they are.”

Barbados plans to reopen to tourists on July 12th.

Prime Minister Mottley acknowledged that a large influx of travelers could present a health risk to her county, and says that the government “will continue to take a risk-based approach to the protection of our country, our people and our visitors.”

Travelers from nations, with positive COVID-19 cases exceeding 100,000, are urged to be tested for the virus, at least 72 hours before their flight, while travelers from countries with fewer cases can do so within a week.

International travel is still being discouraged by organizations, including the CDC, as global COVID-19 cases have now reached 11 million.

According to John Hopkins University, Barbados has been a healthy bright spot, with only 98 reported positive Coronavirus cases, and seven deaths.

The lack of international tourism travel has hit Barbados – like many others - particularly hard since tourism is 40% of the national GDP. The government hopes to reinvigorate its economy with this long-distance work plan.


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